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Documentar despre Martorii Lui Iehova

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În urmă cu câteva luni am văzut un documentar interesant despre martori realizat de Jeremiah Films, o companie specializată în documentare cu temă religioasă.

Documentarul relatează istoria Societăţii Watch Tower şi explică doctrina Martorilor lui Iehova. Include totodată mărturii aparținând unor foști martorii, printre care și Raymond Franz.

Singurul lucru ce nu l-am gustat a fost propaganda evanghelistă de la sfârșit :). Vizionare plăcută!

jehovah's witness exposed!

Incercati si „Grandir avec Jehova”, facut de elvetieni in 2010. La fel de interesant.



Iata cat de intelepteste lucreaza organizatia martorilor care se pretinde ;"non-profit institution"
"(The Watch Tower Society is on the 2012 attendees list under Investors.)
But what is wrong with the Watchtower investing in hedge funds? For one thing, the Society is a tax-exempt organization based upon the supposition that it is a non-profit institution. (Not to be confused with its non-prophet status) But is it even ethical for a non-profit organization to operate as a hedge fund or to invest in hedge funds seeking maximum profits? ..."

"The Watchtower Society Hedge Fund "
Deci..? Astfel se descopera secretul pe care nu-l explica membrilor care mereu donseaza si se jerfesc in parte financiara,materiala  crezind ca o fac pentru Hristos ,dar o fac pentru o organizatie care joaca un rol interesant in viata adeptilor care sint strini de fapt de aceste lucruri... ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

unii cunosc putine lucruri cu privirela organizatia martorilor si nu inteleg ca detin un capital financiar enorm de mare si lupta pentru a agonisi tot mai mult astfel se expune;Un exemplu doar din Franta;
                                  "France must return millions to WT"
"France must reimburse 4.59 million euros ($5.7 million) for the taxes "unduly paid," the court said in a statement, as well as 55,000 euros ($68,000) in costs and expenses.
The Strasbourg-based court, however, rejected a Jehovah's Witness demand for 250,000 euros in damages -- one euro for each of the sect's followers in France -- as well as another request for France to scrap altogether its efforts to collect taxes from the group.
The Association of Jehovah's Witnesses claimed the French government was trying to repress their activities by imposing in 1998 a tax assessment that amounted in total to 45 million euros ($56 million), covering the period from 1993 to 1996, though France seized only a fraction of that amount."
Deci este o suma taxabila pentru 3 ani;(1993-1996)Dar dealungul anilor si in toate tarile unde detin putere de organizare si manipulare? :) :)


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